How Advanced Connectivity Can Transform Public Transport in Australia
BAI offers the expertise and experience in building shared infrastructure that can help keep public transport users connected, wherever they are and wherever they go.
Boosting Mine Safety and Productivity with Advanced Digital Communication Solutions
Two-way radios are a powerful tool for ensuring instant and reliable communications for coordinating work and personnel, responding to emergencies, and maintaining situational awareness in remote environments.
Realizing Substation Automation with Reliable Communication Systems
There is an ongoing trend toward unmanned and digital substations, which are playing an increasingly prominent role in power grids worldwide.
Reality Check: Why We Need More Human-Centered Automation in The Supply Chain and Service Industries
No matter how many machines you power up across your operation, you still need people at the center of your business. So, we asked several experts how you can create a more collaborative tech-assisted workforce.
From Wildfires to Heavy Equipment: Case Studies for Satellite IoT
Hundreds of use cases are emerging in satellite IoT, which expands the Internet of Things beyond the reach of terrestrial networks. Here are a few case studies, from wildfires to heavy equipment.
SWATTING: A Serious Threat to Our Schools and Communities
CrisisGo explains why it's crucial to partner with law enforcement, fire, and EMS to develop a plan of action.
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